
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

yEaR 2006 and the Silicon Valley daYs

year 2006-whats special about it ? this year marked the end of my academic life
and the beginning of a search for new life.
the only hope within my state was the recruitments done by shreds aunt.
but the decision was to search in the Silicon Valley.
to my strength i had an average of 3 m.p.s* and some tough comrades who also maintained
the same average or more.why I chose bengaluru for my hunt?
coz there karu n chinjz provided us with everything free**.
six of fly catchers landed there together-me,thaadi,aslu,kutti the stick(i'll blog for the story behind ur name dear),ikka and the one n only pamman
day one was eventful xcept for aslu.the tatas had invited us to join their company
aslu denied the invitation .
The tiger babies came back without even crossing the first hurdle.
As usual pammu won the race running under the hurdles,he's short n cute ;-)
days past,nothin is happening different from home.
the strength is reduced.me n kutti are only left.
thanks to bmtc for issuing the daily pass.we saw all places out there.
sitting all the day home was like idle house wives
but they get up early in the morning ,make food for their husbands.
we woke up only when karu n chinjz say bye and were present without doing any work when they are back.
the www too did not help to find any job.
the hunting life and the real hunt happened later only after i got and missed the golden hare.

!! the silicon valley was not lucky to have us there !!.

* marklists per semester
** free refers to shelter,bed,paste,soap,oil,print outs,tv,biscuits,tropicana,gas etc etc...
posted by hemus7 at 10:40 PM


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