
Wednesday, June 4, 2008

PartyinG with the Corporates

Thanks sya giving me a topic and the treat for ur birthday.
I'm thinkin hard to recollect the birthday parties in which I
was invited.Only two such incidents happened amongst the college mates.
One with krimu taking us to jaya palace and one with sudeep taking us
to ur choice.
I ll put the curse on these people for not making me fit for a corporate
party ;-).Whenever my company arranges any party they only go for
a buffet and me n saju finds comfort in any corner making n number of trips.
Last weekend I was delighted to get an invitation for syas birthday
party.Reached the venue half an hour early before eight.
Nobody is yet there.Its only five minutes to eight.still no one has came.
Luckily a call was made to aslu, and he told about the change in venue.
Reached the hotel by half an hour late.Every one was eagerly waiting
for ..... not me .They were waiting outside to get the table vacant .
Ten of my class mates gathered there.
Got seated in a place where every can see what I'm doing.
The center chair-four people in my left and four in right.And opposite
to me sat the most concerned about corporate life.
The starters came.I too got a bowl of soup with some noodles
in it.I overheard some one calling it corn soup or so.I still
donno what it was.Its time to start with starter.
Me n remman had a cheers with the soup bowl(for heaven's sake I donno
why i did that ).Took a full spoon of soup and put it inside mouth.
It was hot like anything.However I manged to put the soup back to spoon from mouth.
" Did any one see what I did??".The answer sat opposite to me.
She gave a friendly smile that she wont tell this to any.
Atlast I stopped having soup only when someone sitting beside me
told "Have it only if you want!!!!"
I stopped and had a look at everyones place.Only my place is spilled
with the soup.All other places looked very clean.
"Illibyanaayi....vishannanaayi...ekanthanaayi njaan thinnu!!!!!"
posted by hemus7 at 12:03 AM 2 comments

Monday, June 2, 2008


my brother in law's works in water color.
will soon update with mine ;-) ....

posted by hemus7 at 9:47 PM 0 comments